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I Know You Have Questions!

Here is where they get answered...


What exactly is Reiki?​

Reiki is a healing modality that uses energy from the source (God/Universe) with the practitioner as a conduit for spiritual, emotional and physical healing. It involves the actual laying of hands on the client while they are prone and fully clothed. The hand placement coincides with energy centers called chakras and the meridians used in both accupressure and accupuncture to provide healing to those places.


How should I prepare to attend my session?

Dress comfortably, drink at least half your weight in water for at least a day prior and on that day as well.​ Also, if possible, eat a vegan or vegetarian diet for a few days before and the day of your appointment. Keep your mind open to receive the healing you have come to have happen. 


Does it hurt? How will I feel afterwards?  

Unlike accupuncture or even accupressure, Reiki is not an energy therapy that utilizes needles or even the pressure of fingertips in soft spaces of a clients body. It is more akin to "the laying of hands" in that the practitioner prays then places thier hands on key parts of the client's body.  During a Reiki session, most clients report a feeling of being relaxed and some even report a tingling or warm sensation where the practitioner places thier hands. After a Reiki session, clients report having an incredible sense of well being, the cessation of pains and aches, the spontaneous healing of minor ailments (headaches, cramps etc) as well as a feeling of lightness and lasting happiness has also been said to be a result of a Reiki treatment.


What does Soul On Purpose Coaching entail? 

With Soul On Purpose Coaching you will receive assistance on achieving a goal (or series of goals) of your choice. We will brainstorm concrete, doable action steps that will get you motivated and show you how to get done what you may have thought was impossible within the confines of your current lifestyle. You will get several sessions (depending on the package purchased), including a consult, either in person or via Skype, email or telephone depending on your tech saviness with the regular package.


What would I need to have/do before my Soul On Purpose Coaching session? â€‹

All you would need to have is a goal in mind and the will to receive the think-tank like services. There will be a many questions that will entail you to dig deep into your current existence to unearth the ways you can acheive the goal you set. I am going to be the coach or devil's advocate, if you will, that will assist you in working through viable ideas, as well as assist you in choosing the road that will lead to goal completion. I will not do it for you, but I will guide you to do the work necessary to see your goal through to completion. 

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